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As a Dell Authorized Warranty Provider

we recommend Dell products for providing the tools your team needs.

We’ve partnered with Dell for a reason. In our 30 years of experience with hardware, we’ve found Dell equipment to be reliable and effective. Their business products are built for professional use, offering great durability, security, and support.

Picture of Dell Laptops and Computers

An important factor to consider when buying a computer is the environment where it will be used.

Dell retail computers and Dell business-class computers are designed to meet different needs and come with various features and specifications tailored to their respective target audiences.

These differences ensure that each type of computer is well-suited to its intended user base, whether for home entertainment, personal use, or professional business needs.

Retail Computers Target Audience: Consumers and home users

  • Design and Features:
  • Design: Sleek, stylish designs with a focus on aesthetics.
  • Build Quality: Generally good but may use more plastic and less durable materials.
  • Customization: Limited customization options.
  • Software: Includes pre-installed consumer software and trial versions of applications.
  • Support: Standard warranty and support, which may not be as robust as business-class support.
  • Security: Basic security features suitable for general consumer use.
  • Upgradability: Often limited upgradability options

Dell Business-Class Computers Target Audience: Businesses, professionals, and enterprises

  • Design and Features:
  • Design: Functional and ergonomic designs focused on productivity.
  • Build Quality: Highly durable with superior materials, designed to withstand heavy use.
  • Customization: Extensive customization options to meet specific business needs.
  • Software: Includes business-focused software with minimal bloatware.
  • Support: Enhanced support options, such as next-business-day on-site service, extended warranties, and dedicated business support teams.
  • Security: Advanced security features like hardware encryption, biometric authentication, and enhanced BIOS-level security.
  • Upgradability: Greater flexibility for upgrades, including additional RAM, storage, and expansion slots.

Retail Design and Features:

  • Design  is more focus on aesthetics.
  • Build uses more plastic and less durable materials.
  • Upgradability: Often limited upgradability options.
  • Includes pre-installed & trial versions of consumer software.
  • Security: Basic security features suitable for general consumer use.
  • Support: Standard warranty and support, not as robust as business-class support.

Business Class Design and Features:

  • Design is functional and ergonomic focused on productivity.
  • Extensive customization options to meet specific business needs.
  • Includes business-focused software with minimal bloatware.
  • Advanced security features like hardware encryption, biometric authentication, and enhanced BIOS-level security.
  • Greater flexibility for upgrades, including additional RAM, storage, and expansion slots.
  • Build is highly durable with superior materials, designed to withstand heavy use.
  • Enhanced support options, such as next-business-day on-site service, extended warranties, and dedicated business support teams.

New PC Request Form

Understanding the differences in computing equipment is crucial:

By understanding the differences between retail and business computers, you can now make an informed purchasing decision. . To request a new quote for a PC, please fill out the online form below. By providing your information, we can recommend a laptop or desktop that meets your needs, ensuring you get the right device for the job.

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Authorizing Agent Name
What will the primary use the computer be for?
Do you need a desktop or a laptop?
How much storage capacity do you need?
What type of environment will the PC or Laptop be in?
What size of screen will you need?
Will you require a full keyboard that includes a 10-key? Typically 10-key is useful for Accounting.
Do you need an Ethernet port on your laptop for a wired network connection? Most standard laptops come with WiFi only.